Are Mental Health and Burnout Related?

First off, let’s clarify that for our purposes “mental health” is referring to the ability to experience inner peace, clarity, and a sense of stability in our often-chaotic world. In this instance, to describe mental health is not to talk about the disorders of mood or mind, but the presence of mind that comes from […]

The Importance of Down Time

Do you put a lot of value on outcomes and achievements? If you do, you may have a difficult time understanding the benefits of down time. High achievers tend toward seeing down time as being too unproductive, or a literal “waste of time.” I assure you, it’s not. In fact, it is a requirement to […]

You Must Be CRAZY

Most people will agree that feelings and or emotions are real including people of the African American community. This, however, is contrary to the way many Black people behave when it comes to mental and or emotional health. I have heard the quote “I was in my feelings” countless times from many African American people […]

Why don’t we talk about Intrafamilial (family) Predatory Sexual Assault?

The topic of Predatory Sexual Assault upon children is one that many people care not to discuss.  It seems that even individuals who have not experienced the trauma are still prone to its avoidance. In many different cultures children are taught to keep secrets and or feel shame about the abuse. This causes many children […]

Are you a victim of MindFucking?

According to the Urban Dictionary, Mindfuck is an idea or concept that shakes one’s previously held beliefs or assumptions about the nature of reality. by Nathanael June 19, 2004 Far too often individuals are mindfucked on a daily basis. This happens in many different walks of life.  I was mindfucked so many different times by countless individuals. […]